Hello friends! I realized recently that I’ve been slacking on the updates and manager’s reports this season, tisk tisk! But, better late than never they say, so here’s a little update regarding the remainder of our season at Snow Ridge!
Mother Nature has proven to be a fickle beast this winter, but we’ll certainly take a late season nor’easter when she serves one up! By 3PM Tuesday, we’ve already received 6 inches and the storm is just getting started. This snow will help us to stay up and running through the March 25-26 weekend. We will be open this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 10AM-4PM. Ridgerunner and Bunny Bowl will service 13 trails on Friday, and we plan to add Snowy Meadow and Snow Pocket for Saturday and Sunday with 19 trails open. Lift tickets will be $20 on Friday and $25 Saturday and Sunday. Wear your St. Patty’s green all weekend for $5 off your lift ticket!
After this weekend, we will be closed during the week and plan to reopen Friday 3/24-Sunday 3/26 with Retro Day and the Pond Skim!
Thanks for checking in and we’ll see you on the slopes!
General Manager